Blue Bird Medical
All Patient Recommendations are $75 During OCHBS


Thank you, Lareece for guiding me on my spiritual journey. You have been a source of light in my life; you've provided essential instructions to me and my daughter to begin our life long journey of recent cleansing and detoxification of our bodies for optimum health. The most important results of my recent cleanse was the fact that my passion for my work as a motivational speaker, trainer, and business owner was at an all-time low, due to the recent loss of my mother. During the second week of my detox program, I became excited again, I had the passion that has moved me to erect national monuments. I accomplished more personal milestones for myself within a two week period that I have in the past twelve years.



Congratulations, on taking the first step towards a more abundant, empowered way of living. You are here because you are on a path of increased awareness in seeking your potential for optimum living.


Life Within is a holistic empowerment organization in the business of teaching natural healing and the importance of being consciously responsible for the total wellness of the mind, body, soul and emotion.


Sickness and dis-ease is really the body’s way of indicating imbalance. A person’s entire self can be called their terrain, which includes their body, mind, emotions, and soul. If a person is sick, everything must be considered because all systems are interrelated. If a person has a condition, they are speaking the language of the body; or rather the body is communicating its dis-ease to the person.


“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the UNDERSTANDING and care of the entire being; the mind, body, soul, and emotions. Hippocrates believed health was the harmony of life, and disease was the loss of equilibrium. “The key is getting people to reform their lives.”

Wally - Life Within Client

Again thank you for the role you are playing in giving me back my life. An expression of gratitude in far too little but it is what comes to me at this time. Please receive it and know that I think you are one of the greatest souls on the planet.

My whole life has really changed. I actually met my goals, I dropped more than 30 lbs and did my treasure map and almost everything on it came true. I am thinking clear, eating all natural foods, running and running miles.

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Blue Bird Medical
All Patient Recommendations are $75 During OCHBS